The Design Questionnaire with Valerie Senkina of DSEESION

In this edition of Love Happens’ Proust-style Design Questionnaire, join us for a peek inside the creative design mind of Valerie Senkina, architect, interior designer, and founder of DSEESION. Based in Russia, Valerie Senkina and her team are masters of designing beautiful, authentic spaces that serve as sources of energy and strength to their owners. Since 2003 DSESSION has designed over a hundred luxurious projects in Russia and Europe. Each with its own exquisite appeal radiating from its quality materials, curated art, and always custom decor.
The Lh Design Questionnaire with Valerie Senkina of DSEESION
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
I believe there is no formula for perfect happiness for everyone. Everybody has to find their own. In my case there are two components of it: happiness of my family which is always at first place and opportunity to do what I love, and it is not about professional achievements or success it’s more about doing something that truly inspires me and brings joy to my life. Even though these scales always outweigh each other at the same time they complement one another. Harmony and happiness in my family empower and inspire me for professional achievements while professional achievements give strength and potential to be harmonious, happy and provide energy to loved ones.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I hope that it has not come yet, as I always strive for more than I have today. But for now, my biggest achievement is that I managed to be successful both at work and home, to have this balance between a happy family and a great job.
What profession does your alter ego have?
Surprisingly, my alter ego has exact same profession as I do. I always say that I consider my work to be the best in the world. It gives me opportunity to connect with so many amazing and talented people. Also, it’s creative and helps me to develop throughout my life.
The project you will never forget.
It would be the very first project in which the client completely trusted us and did not participate in any implementation stage. He agreed on the visual concept itself and said “next time we meet when you give me back my keys from renovated apartment”. I can single out this project because it is absolute 100% trust and, as a result, a huge responsibility with great excitement. To be honest every project we do causes me extremely strong emotional involvement. The fact that I and everyone who participates in it immerse ourselves with all our souls and hearts makes it impossible to forget any of them.
Your favourite business tool or resource.
I would say Teamgantt is an indispensable and yet easiest tool to use for business. We can track all our projects and manage team traffic online. I am impressed by how convenient it is.
The most timeless design.
An authentic one. In fact, it turns into art and will never become outdated. If you try to copy, imitate something, or follow trends, you will never get a timeless design. In order to create something authentic, you have to be able to invest your professionalism, experience, and unique vision into the project and that’s what creates the value of one of a kind design.
The biggest design faux pas.
A meaningless design. When there is no philosophy in a certain project it feels like something is missing out and the whole picture is falling apart. It leads to wasted money, time, and the client’s hopes.
Your design motto.
To me, design is more than just a beautiful picture. We create space that fills our client with energy and expands his inner world by immersing in a special atmosphere and providing a resource for personal development.
Our publisher KOKET makes statement décor, if you were to design a room around one KOKET piece, which would it be, and why?
I would choose the Divine Amoire because I love the mood it creates. I find this noble green color fabulous. Such an item will fit into any interior, both modern and classic, and will become its highlight. If I were to design a room around this particular piece, I would make the interior in a modern classic way, rather neutral tones, and support this very beautiful, deep green color with small textile accessories. Together, this will create a light comfy space with a bright accent as this gorgeous armoire.
Love happens when…
You are ready for it.