A Design Lover’s Guide to Traveling With Purpose

micato safaris

At Love Happens, our passion for luxury and design runs deep, so when it comes to travel, we are all about finding the most magical and inspiring places to visit. But being sumptuous doesn’t mean we can’t also be environmentally and socially responsible, relaxing and exploring while treading lightly and with meaning and kindness. When you stop to think about it, the impact an individual in one corner of the world can have on another is profound. So let’s get traveling with purpose!

Ethical traveling is exploring your destination from a place of respect and love. Connecting with locals and always remembering the planet. Furthermore, it’s supporting small businesses and the people that make a change in the world we live in. This planet is not ours. It isn’t a possession. However, it is up to us to take care of it and nurture its beauty and all of humanity with affection and awareness. Only we can aid our communities, take care of the incredible wildlife, and amplify the voices of minorities.

If we each do our part, we can create greater good! So, in this edition of the Design Lover’s Guide, we want to take you on a journey around the globe filled with purpose. With us, you’ll get to know some of the most fabulous hotel brands, destinations, and travel experts who love the earth and their communities. Businesses that do their best to take care of nature and humanity so you can relax and explore while treading a light and caring global footprint. Cheers to traveling with purpose!


These hotel brands continuously strive to improve their ecological footprint and, at the same time, work close at hand with great foundations and nonprofits to fend for causes that matter. From social to environmental affairs, the hotel industry is opening to this new path to development and growth. Some big names are creating their own financial institutions to raise money to help, as well as going on the field and cooperating with locals to change from the inside.

design lovers guide to traveling with purpose LUX* Le Morne, Mauritius, Photo Courtesy of LUX* Resorts & Hotels
LUX* Le Morne, Mauritius, Photo Courtesy of LUX* Resorts & Hotels

Six Senses | Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa & The Americas | sixsenses.com
Kimpton Boutique Hotels | Asia Pacific, Europe, Caribbean & North America | ihg.com/kimptonhotels
Virgin Limited Edition | Africa, Europe & Caribbean | virginlimitededition.com
1 Hotels | North America, Europe & Asia Pacific | 1hotels.com
The Set Collection | France, UK, & Holland | thesetcollection.com

Bar Josephine, Hotel Lutetia, Paris
Bar Josephine, Hotel Lutetia, Paris

The Living Circle | Switzerland | thelivingcircle.ch
Viceroy Urban Retreats | Washington, DC & San Francisco, CA, USA | viceroyhotelsandresorts.com
ALL – Accor Live Limitless | Around the World | all.accor.com
Mantis | Africa | mantiscollection.com
Soneva | Maldives & Thailand | soneva.com
The Lux Collective (LUX* Resorts & Hotels, SALT, Tamassa) | Mauritius, Maldives, Reunion Island, China, Vietnam & France | theluxcollective.com


Beyond the larger scope of brands known for their consciousness on sustainability and social aid are some destinations we love doing the same. Not only do they provide luxurious accommodations, amenities, and experiences, being helpful and mindful of the needs and wants of society and nature are at their core.

View from Borgo Pignano, Italy (Photo by Scata)
View from Borgo Pignano, Italy (Photo by Scata)
Dining at Borgo Pignano (Photo by Mark Bolton)
Dining at Borgo Pignano (Photo by Mark Bolton)


Melides Art | Portugal | melidesart.com
Borgo Pignano | Milan, Italy | vintagedelirium.it
Whitepod | Switzerland | whitepod.com
Coquillade | Provence, France | coquillade.fr
Cliveden House | Berkshire, UK | clivedenhouse.co.uk

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Bisate Lodge | Rwanda | wilderness-safaris.com
One&Only Nyungwe House | Rwanda | oneandonlyresorts.com/nyungwe-house
Four Seasons Safari Lodge Serenget | Tanzania | fourseasons.com/serengeti
Grootbos Private Nature Reserve | South Africa | grootbos.com
The Safari Collection | Kenya | thesafaricollection.com

One & Only Mandarina, Mexico, Ocean Tree House Terrace Lounger; Beach at Habitas Tulum, Mexico
One & Only Mandarina, Mexico, Ocean Tree House Terrace Lounger

The Americas

Auberge du Soleil | Napa Valley | aubergeresorts.com/aubergedusolei
Habitas Tulum | Mexico | ourhabitas.com/tulum
Pikaia Lodge | Galápagos Islands, Ecuador | pikaialodge.com
Mashpi Lodge | Ecuador | mashpilodge.com/the-lodge
Nayara Springs | Arenal Volcano National Park, Costa Rica | nayarasprings.com

traveling with purpose Beach at Habitas Tulum, Mexico
Beach at Habitas Tulum, Mexico

Asia Pacific

Kokomo Private Island Fiji | kokomoislandfiji.com
Song Saa, Private Island Cambodia | songsaa-privateisland.com
Four Seasons Maldives, Private Island at Voavah | fourseasons.com/maldivesvoavah

asia chair koket luxury furniture


When it comes to booking your dream luxury vacation, everything should be perfect! That’s when booking experts come in. Now, when planning your next ethically conscious holiday, these will be your best friends. So, have the most wonderful time without the stresses of preparing and organizing, and do it while also elevating minorities in need, caring for mother earth, supporting local businesses—traveling with purpose!

traveling with purpose Kisawa Sanctuary, Mozambique, Via Bouteco.co (Photo by Elsa Young)
Kisawa Sanctuary, Mozambique, Via Bouteco.co (Photo by Elsa Young)

Booking Advice

Bouteco | bouteco.co
Kind Traveler | kindtraveler.com
Kynder | kynder.net

traveling with purpose Balance Holidays, Via Positive Luxury, Photo Courtesy @balanceholidays
Balance Holidays, Via Positive Luxury (Photo Courtesy @balanceholidays)

Responsible Travel Experts

Jacada | jacadatravel.com
ROAR Africa | roarafrica.com
Steppes Travel | steppestravel.com &Beyond | andbeyond.com
Aracari | aracari.com
Micato Safaris | micato.com
Balance Holidays | balanceholidays.com
The Evolved Traveler | evolvedtraveler.com

design lovers guide to traveling with purpose Micato Safaris Arijiju Dook, Laikipia, Kenya, Photo by Dookphoto
Micato Safaris Arijiju Dook, Laikipia, Kenya (Photo by Dookphoto, Courtesy of Micato)

Other Ways to Accomplish Traveling With Purpose

Aside from carefully selecting your destination, if you want to travel with purpose, these resources are here to help. Wine and dine at the best local restaurants, shop local businesses (even from abroad!), or consider a carbon offset purchase in your budget. Savor experiences that matter, and do your part!

traveling with purpose Tswalu Kalahari South Africa, Via Bouteco.co
Tswalu Kalahari South Africa, Via Bouteco.co

Look for These Certifications

Green Globe | greenglobe.com
Positive Luxury | positiveluxury.com

Buy Carbon Offsets

Cool Effect | cooleffect.org Gold Standard | goldstandard.org

Shop & Eat Local

Look for Michelin Green Stars!
Check out Truth, Love & Clean Cutlery | truthloveandcleancutlery.com

Words by Mariana Silva
Feature Image: Micato Safaris Ol Jogi, Laikipia, Kenya (Photo by Durston Saylor, Courtesy of Micato)
The Design Lover’s Guide to Traveling With Purpose Originally Appeared in Love Happens Volume 5
Explore More of ‘The Human Touch’ Edition

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