What To Do When You Have Skin Barrier Damage

skin barrier damage

There are several different layers to our skin. The layer that is on the outside is known as the skin barrier. It blocks harmful irritating particles from getting inside our bodies. It also works to seal in everything your body needs, like water and oil. The skin barrier can be damaged by any number of things, and when that happens, your skin can get flaky or dry out.

Here are a few things you can do to protect your skin and treat your skin barrier damage. Many times, you don’t have to live with skin that’s flaky, damaged, and dry. It’s very important that you use a proper skincare routine with these few steps.

What To Do When You Have Skin Barrier Damage

Keep It Hyrdated

The right skincare routine makes all the difference, and if your outer layer of skin (called the epidermis) is damaged, making sure it stays hydrated is key to allowing it to heal. You can use quality สบู่ to treat your skin and give it the moisture it needs to repair. Look for skin treatment lotions and creams that are rich in humectants. These bind the moisture to your skin, and they include hyaluronic acid, sorbitol, and glycerin. By keeping your skin moisturized well, you’ll make it look younger and feel softer.

Use Antioxidants to Treat Skin Barrier Damage

Antioxidant oils like safflower and sunflower are really good for hydrating your skin and repairing a damaged epidermis. You should stay away from antioxidants that have a lot of fragrance, like citrus or mint. These can cause damage or irritation to sensitive skin. Also, look out for antioxidants that have panthenol. This is a lubricator that doubles as a healing agent, helping to restore the skin’s outer barrier.

Care for Your Skin with Sunscreen

The most common way that skin is damaged is through overexposure to the sun. Rays from the sun can be harmful to your skin, especially if you’re not protecting the epidermis with a powerful and effective sunscreen. If you ever want your skin to heal, you need to keep it from becoming further damaged. Use a sunscreen that contains an SPF of 30 or more when you’re going outside, even if it’s just for a short time period. Also, look for sunscreens that do more than just protect from the sun’s rays. Some of them are full of antioxidants that help rejuvenate your skin and have anti-aging effects.

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Change Your Diet

It’s not just what you put on the outside of your skin that heals it. You should also consider making dietary changes to improve your skin health. According to Boca Raton-based Barnett Dermatology, Eating a diet that is rich in essential fatty acids will provide soothing benefits to your skin and give it the nourishment it needs. You could also take an Omega 3 supplement for the same effect. Talk to your dermatologist or doctor about changing your diet to meet your specific skincare needs. That can give your skin the long-term care it requires to heal properly.

Fight Inflammation

Your skin may be damaged because you’re using products that cause inflammation. If you’re exfoliating too much or using the wrong kind of acne products, you can end up with rosacea or eczema. These create dry, flaky-looking skin and redness. If you want healthier-looking skin, you need to pause using these products. Give your skin time to recover, and then you can slowly start reintroducing them and see how your skin reacts.

Say goodbye to astringents, which you can be found in many toners and cleansers. Instead, go with something that contains colloidal oatmeal. This will be less irritating on your skin and will help combat redness.

These tips can help your epidermal layer and keep it looking great! However, consider talking to your dermatologist if your skin worsens.

Featured Image by Engin Akyurt

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