A Million and One Reasons Moms Rule

When I decided to write this article, I was having one of those days every Mom dreads. I need not say more! I try every day to remind myself that I am only one woman, and I can only really honestly do one thing at a time. I am a Mom, and I do Rule. My world, that is, and most days anyways, that is on good weeks! But really, my mom rules her world, my grandmother ruled hers, and I am here ruling mine. I wanted to know what some of my favorite people thought about this topic, so I asked them (and you should share in the comments below, too, if you want!). Their thoughtful answers about why Moms rule was just what I needed for a bit of Mom Solidarity! So here’s to Moms Ruling All Over the World!
“We are the tamer of all feelings, the keeper of all to-do’s, the worrier for all of the stuff worth worrying about (& some that are not), the tracker, the organizer, the shopper, cooker & cleaner. We do the reminders, the follow-ups, and help with the mess-ups. We endlessly love for our kids.”
“We are gifted with a delicate yet fierce power. And this is why we rule the world!”
A Million and One Reasons Moms Rule the World
Moms Raise the Future
“I’m struck daily at how freaking scary motherhood is! Not just the constant state of juggling the home front and career while desperately trying to fit in self-care, but more so the importance of every word I say (and tone of these words), every eye roll, and every encounter I have with my kids is!”
When it boils down to it, mothers are responsible for the future of society. Ekk! No pressure :). How a mother cares for her child, the things she teaches them, the choices she makes for them and then helps them make, all affect the future of the world. So there you have it, Moms rule the world!
She Is the Decider
Of course, like many things in this article, not every mom fits every single one of these categories, but nonetheless, they still rule! And when it comes to making decisions about what to buy, which clothes, car, books, technology; where to eat out and where to go on vacation; and so on—Moms are the deciders.
Its the Hardest & Most Selfless Job In the World
“Being a mom is a privilege, but man, it’s hard work! We do all the things without complaining and without a word, fighting silent battles daily. But we try not to complain because we love it. My sick time—gone! from colds to Covid to tummy bugs. My me time—taken in stolen moments or at 5 am when nobody else is up. My girl date—planned and orchestrated months in advance with meals and sitters, etc. but again, wouldn’t change it for the world.”
If you were to ask me the one thing that surprised me most about parenthood, I would say how hard it is! And to think no one teaches us how to be a parent, not really. We watch our parents and other parents and then we wing it and hope for the best.
Not only is being a mother a constant strain physically and emotionally—mom carry me, mom can you please help me find my _____, mom I hate you, mom, mom, mom. It is also an incredibly selfless job. The most selfless as far as I can think. Moms will give their lives for their children, so of course, they give every bit of themselves in the day-to-day. Again physically and emotionally. Raising the future!
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Moms Are Multi-Tasking Masters
“No one ever taught us how to multi-task but we all kill it. We can make dinner while folding clothes and helping with homework while sipping on a glass of wine!!”
Oh, the necessity of multi-tasking! Thank goodness women seemed to have been blessed with a gender advantage when it comes to multi-tasking. No offense, men, but really when it comes down to it, women seem to rock this skill. From home to school, to work, and everything in between and around. Doctors, dentists, camps, childcare, groceries, bills, and so on, Moms rule at multi-tasking.
Doer of Many Trades
From cook to cleaner and teacher to chauffeur, one of the keys to good multi-tasking is knowing many trades. While some women choose to work and parent, others focus solely on raising their children. Every mom will tell you, that raising kids is a full-time job. And not just one job, many!
“We’re like the personal assistants who don’t get paid. Nobody else would do what we do, cleaning up the accidents, wiping the tears, and giving the hugs all while being their person and taking the brunt of “worst mom ever” when you’re doing the best damn job you can! But… It’s a privilege and a pleasure to get to be a mom to mine!”
Moms Care and Love, Often Unconditionally
The last line of the quote above says it all. Moms care and love, and more often than not unconditionally. Moms worry the things that need to be worried and heal the things that need to be healed. Caring and nurturing are what Moms do. It is a tremendous gift. And while sometimes it may feel burdenous, Moms rule for this!!
Moms Are Keepers of Memories
When someone wrote this to me I had to think twice about it. What does a keeper of memories mean? And why is this something moms do? First, to rule the world, you must keep memories, as memories influence our future, so we circle back to Moms’ role in raising the future. But also the sentimentality of motherhood is a powerful thing. And so it seems to me yes moms really are keepers of memories: stories, photographs, mementos, the center of a family, the matriarch of all matriarchs.
Cheers to all the Moms out there ruling, you are amazing!
Feature Image by Barbara Larson Photography
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