“I AM ENOUGH”—More Than a Message for International Women’s Day

Seema Azharuddin i am enough women empowering women

For Women, War, and Wisdom in leading the empowered species

On a recent invitation to speak at a diversity forum, I encountered the butterflies in my stomach as I often do on stage. While my eyes greet the audience, I become a goddess and begin to feel “enough”. In less than the next minute, I begin to unleash my sense of power, my charisma, my intelligence, my knowing, my apathy, my innate sense of being the honored one, to be invincible. All at that moment, I breathe and slowly mouth the words, “Damn! I am enough!”

Being “Enough” is, however, not just for a moment. It is for always. Today it is where women stand, how they express themselves when they define it, and what they say that will contribute to every other voice in shaping our world. Go ahead, put up a banner with the “Enough” message for the stubborn, the illiterate, the retards, the obstinate, the naysayers, and the rest who cannot understand this forceful wave that women are, and ignore the single most significant movement in their face.

A stray thought crosses my mind now, and I want to share it and put it in the parking lot. When we women mirror ourselves in the act of mirroring, a fact is repeated. WE (Women Empowered) consent to be part of a consensus reality: Women can’t do without men, this is true, but a more profound question evolves: what do we need them for? The truth that almost all connectivity between species is laced with a need to be shared makes it apparent that biological needs are of the most essence. It is my reality as I will choose to advance my interests and physical needs only to please my way, the way I choose to allow it. Damn! I am Enough! 

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Making the slogan above into a mantra is a reality in motion through our universe today. WE (Women Empowered) must address with divine assertiveness that our place at the table be quantitative and increase two chairs at a time every given day too, and at that table. WE deal with every issue the world has and therefore need to be equal partners in voicing solutions. As one leader has said that if the world needs resolve, should you not hear the half that is our population? WE fight where sexism, racism, and economic inequality keep patriarchy at the helm on domestic and global fronts. I use the words of a writer-at-large who claims that women impacted in massive systemic power imbalances can correct if WE revolutionize how WE tackle the system. So, WE must.

“Damn! I am enough!”

In yet another fight and point made by a scholar feminist, trauma-centered feminism has taken hold, and I quote, “Its primary focus is not equality with men—but rather a protection from them”. The threat of harm is a human constant, but by any reasonable measure today, WE equip ourselves to crush and combat. WE are equal parts Mother Teresa and Rambo, so aptly profiled by Christina Hoff Summers. Her book The War Against Boys is motivational. The mantra, “Damn, I am enough,” supersedes with affirmation and is closer to making the magic!

To the WE forum of the world, I salute as WE fight the campaigns to normalize misogyny in creating an economy for working women and getting our rights back. I continue to be overwhelmed by economic issues and balancing the man-woman equation. I have struggled my way through life, and in every instance, it’s been fighting the ugly truth of ‘man-intervention’ eco-politico-ego syndrome and many years of looking back on the choices I was forced to make, especially in the Corporate arena, made me a crusader for women who feared voicing their needs. While this may have changed in the last decade, strong voices need the echoes that travel around the globe.

Concerns are with Gen Z. How will they sustain equality? How will they roar and growl, “I am Enough,” or become man-eaters? Will the WE continue empowering women’s voices to make the rules for a sustainable society? If this were an essay question in an exam, a straightforward question, “Where do Women stand today, tomorrow, and in the future?” My answer will fail the essay. There would not be a written page or pages for me, but my thought words added to borrowed thoughts from Monique Villa, CEO, Thomson Reuters Foundation—WE are the today, and when Tomorrow comes, WE see the opportunity and seize the Future. WE are Enough!

Now, we pop the Champagne on high heels and a dare!

About the Author

In addition to being a positioning consultant, Seema Azharuddin is a published writer in the US and India. She leads Leadership and Communications skills through advocacy and coaching of Theater fundamentals. She is a producer, actor, writer, activist, speaker, and an empowered woman engaged in causes and campaigns for the underserved.