What’s in Your Stars? Lh Monthly Horoscope, July Horoscope 2024

(21 March – 19 April)

New ideas, visions, and vitality are incoming, as well as new potential partnerships, and you want to be sure to make the most of them. Yet it is key to balance this new energy with the deepening experiences in your existing intimate relationships and work life. Changes in your beliefs and attitude can lead to more grounding and happiness. The stage has been set to experience more abundance and self-worth, and you’d do well to make the most of it. Setting your intentions wisely will help you start a brand new chapter in your life. Favorable Dates: July 2, 7,15, 19, 22, 29 Favorable Colors: Green & Yellow
Taurus Horoscope 2024
(20 April – 20 May)

You’ll want to explore unusual ideas, think outside of the box, and talk things over with like-minded people. You will enjoy using your imagination, being creative and artistic, and would be more compassionate, understanding, and sweet. The key is to tap into your confidence, leadership skills, and creativity and really put them out there for others to see. Avoid being passive-aggressive when you’re upset. This is a good period to reconnect with old friends or an old group you used to belong to or take advantage of an opportunity to give an old dream another shot. Favorable Dates: July 4, 9, 13, 15, 21, 18 Favorable Colors: Red & White
Gemini July Horoscope 2024
(21 May – 20 June)

It’s not a good time for new plans, but a time to revise your plans or to try old plans that you gave up on in the past. This is a good time to go back to old beliefs or travel to places you’ve been to before. You may look at the path your life is taking and think you should go down a different path, but now isn’t the best time to make that decision. You need some more space, desiring freedom, and can be a little rebellious. If in a relationship, you want to forge a stronger bond with your partner. Favorable Dates: July 2, 8, 10, 17, 23, 29 Favorable Colors: Yellow& Purple
Cancer July Horoscope
(21 June – 22 July)

You will show incredible determination for your professional growth, a good eye for the details, focus on work, and will come up with work ideas. You will enjoy working, being productive, and getting things done. If in a relationship, you will try to strengthen the bond physically and emotionally. You can also focus on a subconscious issue and try to resolve it. You’re more spiritual and have a stronger intuition, so let it guide you. This is a good time to reconcile with an old partner, see an old partner return, revisit relationship issues, or retry an old compromise. Favorable Dates: July 3, 10, 15, 18, 25, 27 Favorable Colors: Yellow& Grey
Leo Horoscope
(23 July – 22 August)

Your energy becomes driven by your emotions. Your emotions completely cloud your judgment, and it makes it difficult for you to make decisions rationally. You may have fights and misunderstandings with family, and issues may come up at home. You can mishandle your finances, letting something slip in your budget. It’s important for you to remain calm and patient and not let it get the best of you. If someone isn’t contributing positively to your life, you can consider how you can fix the relationship or think about severing ties. Favorable Dates: July 4, 9, 12, 21, 27, 30 Favorable Color: Green & Blue
Virgo July Horoscope 2024
(23 August – 22 September)

You’re more cautious in this period in every way and that can help you going forward. Your intuition can be strong, so listen to what it tells you. With your intuition guiding you, you can’t go wrong. Professionally, you may not take charge, but you can negotiate compromises. You can make significant progress this period. Just make sure you don’t push yourself too much, or you can get sick. You can feel like things are changing a little too much right now, but just go with it. Believe that something even better is waiting for you at the finish line. Favorable Date: July 5, 11, 14, 23, 26, 27 Favorable Color: Blue & White
Libra Horoscope
(23 September – 22 October)

Your physical drive and energy level are high now, and you can take on new projects and challenges with ease. You are inclined to take the initiative or strike out on your own, and you are likely to be successful at what you attempt at this time. Cooperating with others for some idealistic purpose is very satisfying for you. This is an excellent time to discuss your feelings and clear the air on any grievances you may be holding on to from the past. Your communication with the opposite sex is especially good during this period. Favorable Dates: July 6, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29 Favorable Colors: Red & Purple
Scorpio July Horoscope 2024
(23 October – 21 November)

You are sharp, clear, and articulate, and are ready for challenging, intellectual activities and facing difficult problems on the job. Financial transactions go smoothly for you, and material benefits are possible at this time. Your personal magnetism is strong, and you will attract appreciation, affection, and attention at this time. Feelings of love, a desire for beauty, and the urge to be creative are manifested. Recognition or support from your superiors or others who are in a position to assist you is likely now. Committed relations will blossom further. Favorable Dates: July 7, 11, 14, 17, 23, 28 Favorable Color: Red& Green
Sagittarius July Horoscope
(22 November – 21 December)

A lot of work, talking, details, and effort appear to go with scant returns and cooperation, especially from co-workers, bosses, and money people. You also need to work on finding ways to manage your stress better because anxiety can be an issue if you don’t. You’re more subjective now, caught up in your own feelings, and lack logic and reason. You stay within your comfort zone, and you pursue more traditional opportunities. You’re in touch with your feelings but not out of control with them. Food habits may be taken care of. Favorable Dates: July 4, 8, 15, 23, 27, 31 Favorable Colors: Green & Grey
Capricorn July Horoscope
(22 December – 19 January)

Most things run rather smoothly during this period. This can be a good time to make some extra money, and you generally have the money you need. It’s a good period if you work in the arts or beauty industry. You generally feel calmer and more stable emotionally. You can let go of something you no longer need, and it makes you feel good. If single, you’re interested in someone practical, sensual, and passionate. If in a relationship, you bring more passion, but are a slow burn instead of anything hot and fast. Favorable Dates: July 3, 9, 12, 17, 22, 29 Favorable Colors: Black & Blue
Aquarius July Horoscope 2024
(20 January – 18 February)

You will have a knack for sailing through the toughest assignments with the greatest of ease. The period may wind down with the demands of friends and family. Their drama and attitudes may have your head spinning a bit. Any genuine concern you have for other people during this period will bring about unexpected abundance. You may expect a little windfall or a lucky break. Mingling is what you have to do to take the next step forward in your career or social life. It‘s a great time to replace old dietary habits with good ones for a healthy life. Favorable Dates: July 7, 10, 12, 16, 24, 28 Favorable Colors: Yellow & Green
Pisces July Horoscope
(19 February – 20 March)

A good time for dealing with the public, for making connections, and for taking positive steps towards a personal or professional goal. You are able to make positive changes. You will pursue your personal desires in a responsible and methodical manner. This is a feel-good time for embracing new opportunities. You will have a talent for seeing the beauty in your loved ones and helping them heal their psychological wounds and realize their full potential. You will want to know your partner’s innermost thoughts, and yet you may have a tendency to secrecy. Favorable Dates: June 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 23 Favorable Colors: Green & White
All Illustrations by Anastasiia Zvonary
About the Author
Manish Kumar Arora is a renowned KP Astrologer, Numerologist, Tarot Reader & Vastu Consultant. He has rendered professional advice to clients with a reasonable degree of success. He has written monthly / bi-monthly astrological columns/horoscopes for 40 international magazines. For personalized predictions, he can be contacted at MANISH@MANISHASTROLOGER.COM or 91-9871062000.
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