Tips for Working at Home Successfully

Many of us are now working from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic and finding the best way to make this work can be a challenge if you aren’t used to it. Just because your spending more time than usual at home, doesn’t mean you should skip your routines. Find here some tips for working at home successfully.

Tips for Working at Home Successfully

Set Goals

Just because you’re at home, doesn’t mean you don’t have as much work. So, plan your days daily, and prioritize your tasks. It’s also important to discuss your goals with your boss and your team, to make clear your daily work plan.

Tips for Working at Home: Choose Your Workspace
Photo by STIL on Unsplash

Get Dressed As If You Were Not Staying Home

It’s really important to keep your routines. Prepare yourself every day for a normal working day: take a shower, dress up for a casual workday, brush your hair and do your make up. This will put you in your normal work mindset. And, this will also help if you suddenly have to meet with your team via Skype. Just because you spend more time than usual at home, doesn’t mean you should stop dressing in the outfits that make you feel your best. Most likely, if you’re in your cashmere jumper and training paints, you’ll want to lay down on the couch and watch some Netflix. So, choose an outfit that makes you feel good, but this doesn’t mean you don’t have to be comfortable.

Choose Your Workspace

Photo by Jeff Sheldon on Unsplash

Also, the days can quickly become boring when you can’t distinguish between Monday and Friday, or even work from relaxing. So, when its time to work make sure to have a different setting from when you’re relaxing. Try to select a place dedicated only to your work, preferably not in your room and in a quiet space. Set up a desk space similar to your office so you don’t feel strange about the environment.

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Take Some Breaks

You may feel a bit overwhelmed and anxious due to the current situation in the world, so it’s important to take some breaks and to get some fresh air. If you have a garden, or a balcony, set up daily breaks and go there. Wash your plants, get some sun, or pick up your fresh flowers and veggies. Just take a break from your desk and move around your home.

Continue to take your breaks for meals. Especially at lunch, don’t eat at your desk. Structure your day exactly as you would do in your office.

Also, if you’re used to having lunch with your colleagues, plan a quick videoconference or call with them. It’s important to stay connected to them and find such distractions to keep your day flowing.

Words by Rita Archer