Mindfulness in the Mundane: Achieving Daily Mental Clarity

Mindfulness and practicing breathing

Ricocheting between roles as a working woman, entrepreneur, friend, and supermom all at once can be overwhelming. However, it doesn’t have to be; putting your mental clarity first is just one way to maintain your life’s balance (and your sanity). Mindfulness practices are the first step toward achieving this healthy, clutter-free mindset, showing yourself love, and keeping your ship afloat–just ask Gwyneth Paltrow.

Mindfulness in the Mundane: Achieving Daily Mental Clarity

And Breathe photo, meditation, calm Photo by Max van den Oetelaar

What Is Mindfulness?

The term ‘mindfulness,’ is thrown around constantly these days, but what does it mean? Historically, it is rooted in Buddhist and Hindu teachings and was born from the idea of enlightenment and nirvana. By definition, it is the practice of awareness, wellness of the body, mind, and spirit. It is health as it goes beyond eating and exercising; mental health, spiritual health, sexual health, etc.

Why Is It Important?

In this day and age, everything is faster, louder, ruder. People around us are visibly stressed and less present with their eyes glued to their phones. Habitually using mindfulness practices can seem like a daunting task in this fast-paced world, but it isn’t as out-of-reach as it may seem.

Simply taking 10 seconds to check in with ourselves goes a long way: it can teach us to access clarity of mind and spirit, improve efficiency throughout the workday, and allow us to take charge of our mental health. Learn more about how to achieve a work-life balance here. Life can be stressful, but there’s never too much going on to treat yourself as a companion with whom to check in throughout the day.

Girl laying in flowers meditating, peaceful Photo by Amy Treasure

3 Steps: Achieving a Work – Wellness Balance

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is a way of caring for yourself in basic forms: letting yourself recharge and treating yourself as you might treat a loved one. Achieving mindfulness and mental clarity will vary for everyone. For you, it may be meditating, working out, getting a massage, journaling, cleaning, etc

This concept can also vary with the degree to which you are introverted or extroverted. A helpful step toward treating yourself as a friend is getting to know yourself, your likes or dislikes, and where you derive your energy (i.e. social gatherings, alone time, the like).

orchidea sculpture by koket - metal orchid wall art light

Surround Yourself with Determined, Goal-Oriented People

When it comes to awareness of your own emotional magnitude, surrounding yourself with people who prioritize similar practices is a great step toward achieving this. Whether it is among your friends, family, or colleagues, the people with whom you spend your time influence your daily habits more than you realize. Making mental check-ins a priority starts with you, yes, but it can be a difficult thing to reach alone. 

Living mindfully is also a benefit to those around you and your loved ones. If you treat yourself with kindness, they can reap the benefits of exposure to this mindset. Whether they like it or not, your positive energy will rub off on them and provide them with the care, love, and clarity they deserve. 

Pause, Breathe, & Repeat For At Least 10 Minutes Per Day

A helpful beginner-level mindfulness practice that I have used (& loved) in the past is to set an alarm, pause whatever I am working on, close my eyes, take slow breaths, and use this time to think of 3 things I’m grateful for on that given day. It allows me to check in with myself, allows for mental clarity, and creates a positive space. 

Whatever your beliefs, prayer can be a critical tool that can center you, reduce stress, and help you to relinquish control of things you can’t change. It falls in the same realm as meditation & requires a similar state of mind. A helpful video I have used in the past can be found here–following along with short videos like this one can be surprisingly beneficial in clearing your mind and increasing the presence of mindfulness in your daily routine.

Words by Emily Dimond

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